To report your card lost or stolen or to inquire about a blocked debit card, please contact a representative please contact a representative at (903) 676-1900.
Master Card Check Card (debit card)
- Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Call 903 676-1900
- After hours, weekends and holidays: 800-472-3272 to report a lost or stolen debit card
- After hours, weekends and holidays: 800-262-2024 if your card has been blocked
- To Report a Lost or Stolen Debit Card: Call 903 676-1900. Once the call is answered, press “2”.
- If your Debit Card has been blocked: Call 903 676-1900.
Once the call is answered, press “2” for the Lost and Stolen Card Department.
Tips for keeping your card safe
- Make a record of card numbers, expiration dates and phone numbers. Keep this record in a safe place, separate from where you keep your cards. Use this information when you report your cards lost or stolen
- Never put your account number or PIN on the outside of an envelope or a postcard
- Write down the toll-free emergency number and keep it with you, but separate from your card
- Don’t give your debit or credit card number over the phone unless you’ve made the call
- Don’t sign a blank charge slip unless absolutely necessary
- Tear up carbons from slips and save receipts
- Always check receipts against your monthly statements
- Report any errors within 60 days of the statement mailing date
- Carry only the cards you need, especially when traveling
- Choose a personal identification number (PIN) that’s different from other obvious numbers, like your phone or Social Security Number or your birthday
- Memorize your PIN and don’t write it on anything in your wallet
- Check all ATM receipts against bank statements